You know that saying “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone?” I live my life by this motto. It may sound strange, but on numerous occasions, it has rang true and it only stings when, in hindsight, you wish you would have handled a situation differently. Whether it be a friendship that was broken, the death of a loved one, a relationship you took for granted, a move you were too scared to take, the list could go on! But if you choose to live your life proactively versus reactively, things quickly change. You learn to say sorry, to forgive, to love, to take chances, and to protect what matters. This is how I feel about fertility. As a woman, our fertility is one of our most precious possessions. It is inevitable that with time, it will vanish. Protect it. Guard it. Insure it.
My decision to freeze my eggs was made much differently than most. Although I knew I always wanted to be a mother, I didn’t wake up one day with an epiphany that “I should be married and have children by now.” I wasn’t single. I was not in grad school or in a highly stressful job on Wall Street. I was generally healthy and only 27 years old. But I was a nurse…. A fertility nurse. And at this point in my career, I was specializing in third party reproduction, in which patients must rely on a donor egg or surrogate to have a child. With the latest media attention around egg freezing, these patients were consistently voicing their frustrations: “I wish I would have known this was an option for me,” they’d tell me, or “I wish I had been given the opportunity to freeze my eggs.” This was my epiphany.
It has been 3 years since I froze my eggs and my career as a fertility nurse has continued to flourish. In part, I feel this is because I know what it’s like to be the patient. I speak from experience and also work in a field that I am extremely passionate about. It is my mission to reach out to women and educate them on their options and taking control. I guarantee there would be a lot less fear and heartache and a lot more confidence and security in our lives if we took a more proactive approach and didn’t have to question “what we would do once its gone.”
If you have further questions about egg freezing or your fertility please contact or visit
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